Without judgement on the merits of this particular case we get surprised reactions about the fact that the Supervisory Board members of Austria's Erste Bank will have their remuneration doubled to a total of Euro 750 000 (for the whole unit). This is not accounting for the attendance fees of around Euro 160 000 they received in the last year. A delicate detail is that the head of the Austrian investor's protection association is among those benefiting from this largess. This highligts one of the main problems of good corporate governance: What are Corporate Boards meant to achieve? In the German tradition the Supervisory Board exists to oversee the company management and defend the interests of the shareholders while in the Anglo-Saxon tradition the board is a mixture of executive managers and non-executives that are elected to advise and supervise management at the same time. In both cases the management - and in particular the CEO - plays a decisive role in appointing board members and therefore to a certain extent controls himself! The same can be said for the setting of compensation which procees on the basis of 'I scratch your back if you scratch mine'.
Yesterday, the SEC announced the formation of a new Cyber and Emerging
Technologies Unit (CETU). Its stated focus is “combatting cyber-related
2 days ago
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