Merger Rules - Do not leave initiative to Politicians and Courts!

A decision by a Delaware Court appears to entrench a company's board to issue 'poison pills' when faced with a takeover bid. Pro-Governance argues for a long time that reforms of the corporate governance system in the US - and most other countries - cannot be left to politicians and courts.  We have repeatedly proposed that the rules regulating any takeover or merger proposal should be made subject to changed regulations. The top 100 fund managers in the world effectively control all listed companies as their combined holdings are the largest bloc of ownership. Unfortunately their managements are neglecting their fiduciary duties to the real owners of the shares, the individuals who are ultimately the true owners of all assets managed by banks, fund managers, insurance companies and pension funds. These owners are left without any voice in shaping corporate governance policies which leaves fund managers in a situation where they are only paying lip service to the demands for change in their behavior.


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