Cadbury - another unfair battle

In what can only be suspected to be courtesy of a PR effort by Kraft in today's paper we read that Irene Rosenfeld, the CEO of Kraft, has a history of high achievement. As if it would be relevant to the takeover bid for Cadbury that is being pursued by Kraft we are then treated to gems like this one: '...summers were spent at Tyler Hill Camp, a children's camp in the picturesque Pocono Mountains...'. Is is a disgrace that PR jobs like this one are supposed to be a critical factor in the serious question of how public companies are being managed. We have repeatedly argued that the way takeovers are currently regulated is seriously deficient and short-changes the existing owners of the business, not mentioning the other stakeholders such as employees, pensioners, customers and public authorities in the locations the business operates in. In addition, the army of 'advisers' is a costly burden on the shareholders of the acquiring company as well as the target company.


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