Activist Investors - Psycho Terrorists?

Every investor should take an active interest in the companies they hold a stake in. New ideas and suggestions should be addressed to management and all co-investors in an open fashion. Discreet talks between favoured investors and management are close to insider dealing and should be restricted, even prohibited. If fund managers that enjoy numerous legal and tax privileges want to get involved in management of the companies they invest in they should re-register as ordinary companies.
Thyssen-Krupp Chair: Activists close to Psycho Terrorists

Dell: Taking Companies private much too easy

Looks like the author admires Michael Dell. But let's face the hard facts - public equity markets give poor protection to the great unwashed public. Taking companies private is much too easy. And the ultimate insult is when the company makes a round trip and goes public again. A company is an undertaking that should be permanent and only in the most extreme cases it should be allowed to be delisted, taken private (including by Merger, Private Equity). Limit voting for any investor to 1% of outstanding shares, and make any taking private subject to the consent of at least 95% of outstanding shares. No wonder the Rich get richer with this system and gullible institutions just think one share one vote is in their - and the wider public's - interest. Public companies should be protected - they are a public good and allow dispersion of wealth in a true 'shareholder democracy'.
Michael Dell’s rare relish in proving his critics right (FT, Pay Wall)